Sunday, May 3, 2020

Just Part of the Wealth of the Richest Americans Could Change the World

This is a great visualization of the wealth inequality that exist in the United States.  It's an inequality that our politicians (of both parties) have worked to create.  But, it doesn't have to be that way.  The wealthy use a tiny portion of their wealth to insure that our political system supports their accumulation of more wealth.  They are comfortable with our current political polarization because as long as people who are just getting by financially are fighting each other over border walls, gay marriage and the 2nd Amendment, they won't be looking at how the ultra-wealthy are getting richer by the day, hour and minute.

If you keep scrolling to the right on the graphic below, you will reach the point where you discover that the 400 wealthiest Americans are collectively worth  $2.96 trillion dollars.  And, you get an idea of what could be done with 85% of that money.  First of all, even after 85% of that wealth was used for the following projects, the 400 would still be billionaires.

1.  Every American would be tested for coronavirus.
2.  Every American household would receive a one time, tax free, $10,000 payment.
3.  Every American household with less that $80,000/year income would receive a 4 year tax holiday.
4.  Globally malaria would be eradicated.
5   Globally every person would be provided access to clean water and basic sanitation services.

In other words, if the wealth of the 400 richest Americans were put to the service of the rest of us, we could change the world.

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