Sunday, July 5, 2020

Not Your Usual Karen

Is this someone having a mental breakdown?  The woman, identified as Melissa Rein Lively, apparently had a very busy day.  
Her entire story was from 8 Am (ish?) – 2 PM? The husband wants a divorce and kicked her out, so she went to a hotel. Went to Target, tried destroying it, and got kicked out. Got an Uber back to her hotel. Immediately went shopping, bought thousands of dollars worth of stuff using daddy’s credit card (literally). Was eventually stopped because she refused to wear a mask. Got kicked out of the hotel, walked around with hats ON HER FEET because she apparently lost her shoes. Got another Uber to her house. When she went into her house, her Range Rover was there (somehow) and she tried to leave. The husband stopped her, took her purse away to keep her there. Called the cops. 
She has been identified as a public relations executive who owns her own PR agency.  She is also a former reporter on local TV.  She and her husband routinely show up at exclusive charity events in the Phoenix area as well as vacation in exotic locations worldwide.  On the surface, she appears to be an educated, articulate professional. 

Considering today's rampage maybe it's not surprising that she was the subject of a restraining order by her previous employer, a very high profile Arizona PR firm.  
The ex-employee, Melissa Rein Lively, alleges that Rose's firm lacks ethics and uses “its powers for evil.” One of its principals has engaged in a smear campaign against her, she claims, by telling others, including her clients, that she’s mentally ill.
A lawyer for the firm said that these co-founders “have a lot of concern” for the ex-employee and her mental health.
 "We have absolutely no idea what is motivating this irrational behavior," said Jason Lamm, the firm’s attorney. "And frankly, it's sad. We hope her health is okay." He described Lively's statements as "either wildly false or unintelligible."
Apparently, some of her anger with the firm was due to the firm's work burnishing the image of noted racist sheriff Joe Arpaio.   

Despite her attack on the mask rack at Target and her contention to be working directly with Donald Trump and QAnon, Lively was an early public advocate for shelter in place mandates in Arizona.  In March, she published an opinion piece in a local newspaper calling for a more aggressive government response to the pandemic.
Yes, reported cases of COVID-19 are currently somewhat low in Arizona. That is changing rapidly on a day-to-day basis. We must act now to keep it that way to protect our state.We must all collectively make the decision to put people before profits now. We must.
Thank you to the business owners who have made impossible choices this week.
The most important question everyone must ask themselves at this time is how they want to show up in the future economy.
Did you or did you not put people first?
This woman's story seems to be more complex and painful than the routine daily racist "Karen's lost it at WalMart" videos that fill social media. 

 ...then she got arrested on IG Live saying she is a spokesperson for QAnon & the White House and to “call Donald Trump and ask him” because she can’t share any “classified information.”

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