Friday, September 25, 2020

Trump Is The Leader of a Minority Party - Just Like Hitler in 1933

It is difficult for many Americans to face the reality of the nation in which we live.  We believe we are a good, just and free country, but in reality the United States has evolved into an oligarchy run by the rich, for the rich.  We are all complicit in our nation's failure to live up to the ideals that its founders set forth, but we are also entrapped in the systems of inequity that they set in motion in the Constitution.  Did they envision the tyranny of the minority that the United States has become?  Did they envision a nation where 1%  of the population controls 40% of the nation's wealth or 10% control nearly 80%?  If the government we have today is the government they had in mind in 1789, then we do not owe the founders our praise.

We are not a democracy. We are not a republic. Our government is run by aging, rich, white overseers who have a stranglehold on the needs of the many to please the wealthy few. To hell with the rest of us. For the GOP, might makes right.

Trump and his acolytes are intent on nominating and confirming a new justice before the November election precisely because the GOP fears Trump will lose. Their goal is the unraveling of all the social progress Ginsburg helped spearhead—even as they nod solemnly and offer prayers upon her death.

For many Republican senators, including Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Ted Cruz, James Inhofe, John Cornyn, Rob Portman, Thom Tillis, Tom Cotton and Roger Wicker, this is likely their last ride on the great white whale. Their theme song may well be “Ride of the Valkyries.” If they get their way, then Roe v. Wade will be overturned, civil rights will take a back seat and the president will cackle with considerable delight at reversing years of social progress.

Republicans can not win an election based on ideas and in many states they can not win a fair election, one without jerrymandering or voter suppression.  Yet, the party that represents a minority of Americans, determines what decisions are made by the government of all Americans. 

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