Monday, November 16, 2020

Conscious Sabotage of the United State Government

Let's say the Russians did a complete and thorough psychological profile of Trump during the years they worked with him on various deals, including his beauty pageant and various financial deals, including laundering money for some of Putin's oligarchs.  Let's also say that many of the Steele Dossier's more purient findings were correct and aided the Russians in coming to a clear determination as the what they could expect if somehow Trump became the US president.  What an incredible weapon Trump would be if they could deploy him and thanks to racist Americans and the slave states contribution to the Constitution - the Electoral College, Trump  was deployed.  

I suspect even Putin couldn't have gamed out a scenario as perfect for Russia and as inimical to US interests as what is happening right now in our country.

“Imagine if, in November 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had decided to check out of World War II because it wasn’t going as well as he had hoped. Imagine if he had secluded himself in the Oval Office, listening to the radio all day, laughing at ‘Fibber McGee and Molly‘ and cursing at Walter Winchell’s news program,” Max Boot wrote for the Washington Post Monday.

“Trump’s focus in his final days seems to be on replacing competent officials with unqualified loyalists,” Boot wrote. “A purge directed by his 30-year-old former ‘body man‘ has heads rolling at the Defense Department, Homeland Security, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Energy Department and even at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — where a climate-change denier has been put in charge of the U.S. Global Change Research Program.”

Boot declared, “Trump could not be doing more damage if he were consciously attempting to sabotage the U.S. government.”

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