Monday, November 9, 2020

Petty, Vindictive Loser Surrounds Himself With Petty Vindictive People

The petty, vindictive loser who is squatting in our White House, stuffing his face with fast food, won't allow his appointed head of the General Services Administration (GSA) to provide mandated government support to the Biden transition team.

The federal official whose job is to sign off on President-elect Joe Biden’s election victory and begin the mammoth task of transitioning between presidents has refused to do so, potentially delaying the official transfer of power, The Washington Post reported on Sunday evening.

Emily Murphy, a Trump appointee who heads the General Services Administration, has resisted signing the paperwork that would give Biden and his team access to millions of dollars in transitions funds, as well as official access to government officials and equipment to prepare the incoming administration.

The GSA said over the weekend in a statement to Politico that it had not yet made the ascertainment. It could wait until Dec. 14, when the Electoral College votes are cast and certified, but doing so would undercut weeks of transition time Biden needs to enter the White House prepared for the job.

“GSA and its Administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law,” the agency said in a brief statement.
Murphy, the GSA head, is a Republican Trump enabler, who has a bit of history supporting Trump's illegal activities. She lied to Congress regarding her decision to keep the FBI headquarters building near Trump's Washington, DC hotel.  The FBI intended to move to a new headquarters out of the downtown area, but Trump wanted to keep the major headquarters close by his hotel and Murphy made that happen for him.  

Murphy has also run afoul of the GSA's inspector general for her decision to allow her staffers Friday afternoon drinking parties at GSA headquarters.  I guess the drinks cost too much over at the Trump hotel.

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