Saturday, November 14, 2020

Millions and Millions - In Your Dreams

Here's how things work in the MAGA world.  McEneny lies that a million marchers descend on Washington when the actual number is a few thousand at most.  

McEnany, who once declared she would never lie to the American public, wrote, “AMAZING! More than one MILLION marchers for President @realDonaldTrump descend on the swamp in support. Best base in political history — we LOVE you guys!!!”

Trump will drive past the feeble crowd on his way back from the golfing and echo McEneny's lies in a Tweet.  Fox News will confirm that there were at least a million MAGAs there showing support for Trump.  At that point, even the MAGAs in attendance in the sparse crowd will swear that they were in a crowd so vast that it seemed the whole of Trump's 71 million voters were there.

There were more Proud Boy fascists hanging out at a DC bar, than people in the crowd at Freedom Plaza.

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