Monday, December 7, 2020

Bill Gates, Vaccinations and the Mark of The Beast - UPDATED

The Republican Party's war on science will continue even while Trump stews and plots his "comeback" while the MAGA faithful continue sending him their hard earned money.  Republicans are all in on the anti-vaccination movement and always willing to embrace the latest crackpot theories up to bleach injection as a Covid-19 therapy.  They've invited a leader in pseudo medical bullshit to enlighten the US Senate.  Someone who believes that Covid-19 vaccination is all a scam.  Here's a preview of the inevitable result of the Republican embrace of these quacks.  

A year from now, I assume Canada, the Pacific Rim, Australia, New Zealand, and the EU will have vaccination rates in the mid-80s -- while America struggles to reach 50%. Five years from now, America will be known as the country that still has regular COVID-19 outbreaks, years after the disease has been conquered everywhere else. I believe the right will continue to fight vaccines -- the anti-vaxx movement could become the GOP's new Tea Party. As we try to inoculate Americans against COVID, right-wingers will threaten vaccination sites and vaccination workers. They'll treat any card you get verifying that you've been vaccinated as the biblical Mark of the Beast. It's going to get ugly.

UPDATED:  If you don't think we could be that stupid as a country, remember 71 million people voted for Trump and lots of them are influenced by people like Florida (yes, Florida) megachurch pastor and Trump spiritual advisor,  Guillermo Maldonado.  

Maldonado, who mocked members of his own congregation for staying away from church in the early days of the pandemic, used his Sunday sermon to warn that the COVID-19 vaccine will “alter your DNA” as globalists set about “preparing the structure for the Antichrist.”

“People, I want you to look at me,” Maldonado said, as he frequently switched between speaking English and Spanish. “That is exactly what is happening with COVID-19. They’re preparing the structure for the Antichrist. How? The vaccine. They’re gonna demand for you to have the vaccine in your passport, otherwise you will not be able to travel. Because they are preparing the way.”

“The vaccines, they are made to alter your DNA,” he continued. “They are made to track you down. Do not [take] the vaccine. Believe in the blood of Jesus. Believe in divine immunity.”

Jesus healing the sick where people like Maldonado see them as marks to be conned.  Maldonado's advice to Trump is all about how to run the long con. 

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