Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Trump ABGs - Always Be Grifting

Trump is a horrible businessman.  He is lazy and basically incompetent.  He is good at only two things:  self-promotion and grifting.   These are not only his core competencies - they are his only competencies.  Republican politicians are now surprised to find out that Trump doesn't give a damn about what they individually or as a political party need.  He's found the perfect scam and he's going to run it until the rubes run out of money.  
Trump’s aggressive fundraising blitz appears to be devoted to helping the party defend Georgia’s two Senate seats and, with them, the Senate majority. But the fine print shows that most of the proceeds are going toward Trump’s newly launched PAC, which he plans to use to fund his future political activities. Only a fraction is going to the Republican National Committee, which is investing $20 million into the runoffs.

It is amazing that it has taken four plus years for Republicans to realize that Trump has used them for his own purposes (mostly to avoid prosecution and line his pockets).  Now, they are concerned that he is conning the rubes that they need to con, with the funds going directly into Trump's pockets. 

“The reality is Donald Trump does not care about the future of the Republican Party, so if he can raise money off of the Georgia runoffs but keep the money for his own purposes, he will do so,” said Doug Heye, a veteran GOP strategist.

It hard to feel sorry for Republicans who have sold their souls to Trump.  No one held a gun to their heads.  Sleep with a serpent, wake up with the devil.

The predicament has intensified broader concerns within the GOP that Trump will use his post-presidency to advance his own interests at the expense of the party. Trump has spent the last few weeks battering a pair of Republican governors who haven’t backed up his claims the presidency is being stolen from him, potentially imperiling their 2022 reelection prospects. He has repeatedly said Georgia's election system is rife with fraud, which could have the unintended consequence of chilling GOP turnout in the runoffs. And he has talked up a potential 2024 comeback bid, freezing the field of would-be future Republican presidential hopefuls.

The deserve each other.

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