Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Trump's Only Action - Yell At Others

One, somewhat crude, illustrations tells the story of the development and roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccines.  One the left you see a clear and well developed methodology for the research and development of viable, safe vaccines.  Then in the middle the picture gets fuzzy and the Trumpers get involved in the planning process.  Finally, you see the work of Trump himself.   Crude and half-assed.  As we lag behind other nations in distributing and vaccinating people.

In recent weeks, countries around the world have launched vaccination campaigns in a global race to end the pandemic. Some are far outstripping the U.S.: Israel, whose size and population is similar to New Jersey’s, gave shots to an average 60,000 people a day in its first week. If the U.S. were moving at the same speed, it would be doing 2.2 million daily inoculations — 10 times its current pace. 

President Donald Trump on Tuesday evening reiterated in a tweet that “it is up to the States to distribute the vaccines. He reiterated the sentiment again on Wednesday morning, telling states to “get moving.”

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