Friday, January 8, 2021

Rich Seditionist Begs For Pardon - UPDATED AGAIN

UPDATE 1/16/21 - Ms. Ryan has been arrested and has already publicly asked Trump for a pardon.  Remember when revolutionaries pledged the lives, fortune and sacred honor to their cause.  Now, it's just a quick private jet to DC to defile the United States Capitol and then when the consequences ensue, beg the man who incited the riot for a pardon.

Not everyone who joined the fascist mob storming the United States Capitol had to fly coach or drive their pick-up truck to Washington. Some like Jenna Ryan were able to fly by private jet to join the insurrection against our Constitutional government.
The morning of the riots, Ryan livestreamed the walk to Capitol Hill, saying, “All these working class people taking the week off … We flew here for freedom. They want to steal the election, they want to steal everything.”

She continued to ramble, “We the people are pissed off … We flew by a private jet, God wanted us here today. Trump is my president.”

As widespread damage and carnage ensued, Ryan posed in front of a broken window at the Capitol, smiling, with the caption: “Window at The capital. And if the news doesn’t stop lying about us we’re going to come after their studios next.”

Then they accomplished their mission.

“We just stormed the capital. It was one of the best days of my life,” she tweeted at the end of one of the darkest days in American history that left one woman fatally shot and four more dead.

Ms. Ryan has posted on Facebook claims that she had flown to Washington to "witness the march" and that she doesn't "condone the violence."  Ms. Ryan posted a photo of her smiling in front of a broken window at the Capitol.  It's hard to square her new found abhorrence of Wednesday's violence with her assertion that "It was one of the best days of my life."

UPDATED:  Here is Jenna's view of the assault on the Capitol as it was happening.  Do you see any remorse or even concern?

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