Wednesday, June 10, 2020

NASCAR Say "NO" To Confederate Flag - Fans Go Nuts

NASCAR fans are pissed.  They want to keep the flag of the traitors at their events.  What a shock.
On Wednesday, NASCAR announced the Confederate battle banner would be prohibited at all of its events and properties.
But this decision did not go over well with fans, 80 percent of whom are white and 37 percent of whom are Southerners. In no time, NASCAR’s Facebook page was flooded with enraged reactions to the ban.
Trump is planning to get back in the racist rally business in Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 19.  What are the the chances that that event will be filled with the traitor banners? 
How the Rebel Flag Rose Again—and Is Helping Trump - POLITICO Magazine

What do you think will happen to NASCAR teams when their major sponsors decide to walk away from this band of racists? 

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