Friday, June 19, 2020

Trump's Tulsa Zombie Apocalypse

Trump-Zombies | Sword At-The-Ready

Earlier today the Oklahoma Supreme Court determined that it could not order the Trump campaign to require adequate healthcare provisions for the Trump Glorification Rally that will be held in Tulsa tomorrow.  Attorney Paul Demuro's lawsuit was rejected because the state of Oklahoma has no "mandated" Covid-19 precautions.  Oklahoma's Republican leadership has generated "suggested guidelines" only.  
[Demuro] went on to say that he has “zero confidence” that Trump supporters will follow CDC guidelines and the science at the event. He noted that the greatest evidence of the “strange world we live in” comes from the Tulsa County Courthouse, which is two blocks from the BOK Center where Trump is holding his rally.
“In the Tulsa County Courthouse, we have suspended all jury trials for criminal cases and civil cases, that’s the constitutional right to a jury trial for a civil case and a criminal case, a very important right — we have suspended that two blocks away from the BOK Center because we’ve decided that that 12 people are not safe to sit shoulder-to-shoulder in a jury box. And yet, on Saturday we’re going to have 19,000 people sitting in a box chanting and screaming without any social distancing measures. How do you square those two realities? I feel like I’m living in a zombie apocalypse movie just before society crashes. And again this is not about politics. The only winner here is the virus. Period,” Demuro closed.
In Tulsa you can't expect a Constitutionally mandated jury trail because the court system feels that Covid-19 makes it unsafe to hold jury trials. However, in the same city, the chief Constitutional office of the United States is free to expose thousands of people to a deadly virus and there is nothing the city or state will do about it.  

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