Saturday, June 13, 2020

Trump Raging Into the Phone - "Brennt Seattle?"

What Fox News Wants People to Believe
Images of Seattle in flames only appear in the right wing media, because Seattle is not in flames.  Trump apparently needs Seattle to be burning, so the right wing crew at Fox News shows him the carnage - except it isn't real.  Seattle appears to be thriving.
To support that position, Fox News hasn’t just been making up stories—it’s been manufacturing images and video. As the Seattle Times reports, Fox has “digitally altered” images to make the situation in the area seem dire. That includes putting together elements from multiple images to create a misleading collage, lifting signs and symbols from one area to impose them on another, and it means that many of the images Fox is using to present the image of chaos in Seattle … aren’t even from Seattle.
Images that appear to show masked and armed men inside the zone are in fact composites taken on different dates and in different places. Burning buildings are actually from shots taken in St. Paul during the first days of the protests there. Some of the pictures Fox has merged together in their “coverage” of the current Seattle are actually two weeks old—or elements from two-week old pictures have been inserted into current scenes to make the situation appear worse than it is.
Inside Seattle's 'Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone' |
What's Really Going On In A Small Part Seattle

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