Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Trump's Criminal Incompetence

A leaderless "shitshow" is what the United States got from Trump and his Republican enablers.  120,000 dead, economy in the toilet and no end in sight - that's the "leadership" we voted into office in November 2016.  An "acting" president who only cares about himself and has no capacity or desire to actually lead.  
On 16 April, the White House issued guidelines to states on how to safely restart normal life again. Many epidemiologists saw them as flawed – too broad, still not backed with a robust system of testing and tracking infected people to prevent a resurgence of the virus – but it was at least something consistent to work to at a delicate stage of the pandemic.
Instead, Trump announced “we’re in the process of winning now” and the next day responded to protests demanding an immediate reopening by tweeting “LIBERATE MICHIGAN”, “LIBERATE MINNESOTA” and “LIBERATE VIRGINIA”.
From calling himself a wartime president fighting an invisible enemy, Trump, having seen some initial progress and a modest rebound in the stock market, vacated the battlefield, observers say.
An official close to the pandemic effort, who did not want to be named, said the federal response has been a “shitshow” with a leadership vacuum that Dr Deborah Birx, coordinator of the coronavirus taskforce; Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law; and Mike Pence have all tried to fill.
To Trump leadership is pandering to his base, not doing what is right for the country.  He doesn't give a damn what's good for the country. 

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