Thursday, August 6, 2020

Idiocracy Was A Documentary

The movie Idiocracy tells the story of an American future where fast food and corporate greed have resulted in a population with severely diminished mental capabilities. In the movie's fictional world, US president, Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, enlists the smartest person he can find to try and save the country, which has long ago abandoned science and, which denigrates any form of human intelligence.  In the real world, we have turned our government over to a man who is the epitome real of Idiocracy.  Trump is a seriously damaged human being with the mental age of a toddler.  A spoiled toddler.
Temper tantrums, poor impulse control, short attention spans, knowledge deficits, oppositional behavior, aversions to new things, too much time looking at TV or tablets or smart phones and related behavior. Each of the chapters in my book opens with a quote from the American Academy of Pediatrics’ “Guide to Raising Children.” A great deal of Trump’s behavior is described by that very book. The analogy of Donald Trump as a toddler is a powerful one.
Interestingly, my description and the evidence of Trump’s toddler-like behavior is echoed by his own staffers as well as the press coverage of him. Trump has almost no control over his temper. He has temper tantrums. He cannot sit still and focus at all. Like a toddler, Donald Trump does not know a great deal about the world. As White House insiders have shared, it is almost impossible to brief Donald Trump on important matters of national security and other concerns because of his attention span and inability to focus.
It's not just Trump.  It's the vast number of Republican enablers who continue to do nothing to constrain Trump.  It's a government filled with quislings and incompetents, who are willing to destroy out Constitutional republic in support of the whims and tantrums of an obviously incompetent and psychologically damaged individual.

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