Monday, August 24, 2020

Republican Death Cult

Trump's death cult presidency - The Boston Globe
In a CBS News poll of voter sentiments this one startling finding tells us all we need to know about Republicans - 57% of those polled felt that the current Covid-19 death rate nearing 180,000 was "acceptable."  And, a strong majority of Republicans believe that the battle against the virus is "going well."  Of course, they have to believe those things or they can't be members of the Republican death cult.
To self-identified Republicans, 180,000 pandemic deaths are "acceptable" for whatever reasons can be lazily mustered. Perhaps it is a hoax; perhaps they were all old, and vulnerable; perhaps 180,000 people would have died of something, so what's the point of keeping track. But it will not be different when the numbers top 250,000. The numbers in the polls will barely change.
There are Republicans, and there are Americans, and the two no longer share the same reality. The former will do nothing, no matter which laws Trump might break to stay in power or which lies he might tell to brush off the next 100,000 deaths. The willingly corrupt Senate proves that much.
I wonder if the 180,000 families of the dead feel that those deaths were "acceptable." And what about the next 100,000 and possibly the 100,000 families after that will they feel the same way about those "acceptable" deaths?

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