Sunday, August 9, 2020

Trump Vows to Blow Up Social Security and Medicare

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As he stood in front of the wealthy members of his golf club in New Jersey on Saturday, Trump committed to destroy Social Security and Medicare.  The two most critical social programs providing financial and medical support to America's seniors would be completely gutted if Trump's actions to eliminate the payroll taxes on working Americans that provide support for those vital social programs.
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently “terminate” the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November—an admission that was seized upon by defenders of the popular safety net programs who have been warning for months that the administration’s threat to suspend the payroll tax in the name of economic relief during the Covid-19 pandemic was really a backdoor sabotage effort.
Trump has continually threatened to reduce or abolish the funding mechanism for Social Security and Medicare with no consideration for the impact of that action. He either doesn't understand how these vital programs are funded or he doesn't care what the impact will be on America's current and future retirees.
“Trump’s executive order, which seeks to defer Social Security contributions, is bad enough,” said Nancy Altman, president of Social Security Works. “But his promise to ‘terminate’ FICA contributions if he is reelected is a full-on declaration of war against current and future Social Security beneficiaries.”
“Social Security is the foundation of everyone’s retirement security,” Altman added. “At a time when pensions are vanishing and 401ks have proven inadequate, Trump’s plan to eliminate Social Security’s revenue stream would destroy the one source of retirement income that people can count on. Moreover, Social Security is often the only disability insurance and life insurance that working families have. If reelected, Trump plans to destroy those benefits as well.”
Do you hear any Congressional Republicans raising the alarm?  They are his co-conspirators.  This is the great dream of the Republican Party over the last 75 years and Trump is promising them he will do the job for them and put an end to Social Security.  

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