Thursday, October 1, 2020

All The President's "Ladies"

Trump has surrounded himself with a group of women who are really awful people. His press secretary, Kayleigh McEnanyvowed to never lie to the media, but every day she passes the president's lies to the country.  Today she was called to accounts by Fox News reporterJohn Roberts, who asked why Trump "won't offer a clear denunciation of white supremacy?" McEnany spun like a top suggesting that Trump had always been against "white supremacy." Roberts was not impressed.


McEnany wasn't the only one of Trump harem to garner bad press today.  Hope Hicks, Trump's frequent travel companion, tested positive for Covid-19 after returning from a maskless campaign trip to Minnesota and Ohio.  

Trump's campaign team always places the responsibility for mask wearing and social distancing on the participants in Trump's events.  They don't enforce any of either CDC guidelines or state and local requirements.  The "law and order" candidate and his camp followers simple refuses to follow the rules.

But, the award for Trumpette of the Day goes to Trump Junior's girlfriend and featured Republican Convention speaker, Kimberly Guilfoyle.  Guilfoyle, left Fox News under a bit of a cloud, but some light has now been shown on why she may have been asked to depart.  A draft complaint regarding sexual harassment by Guilfoyle was never filed.  Instead Fox paid the complainant four million dollars for her silence.  Unfortunately for Guilfoyle and Fox, a copy of the complaint has surfaced.

According to a dozen well-informed sources familiar with her complaints, the assistant alleged that Guilfoyle, her direct supervisor, subjected her frequently to degrading, abusive, and sexually inappropriate behavior; among other things, she said that she was frequently required to work at Guilfoyle’s New York apartment while the Fox host displayed herself naked, and was shown photographs of the genitalia of men with whom Guilfoyle had had sexual relations. 

There's lots more lurid details in the New Yorker.

Are these representatives of the "best people" Trump promised us he would employ to do the nation's business? 

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