Saturday, October 24, 2020

Superspreader In Chief - Murders Tens of Thousands

If the US had followed the same testing, tracing and shutdown protocols as Canada or Germany, over one hundred thousand more Americans would be alive today.  The abject failure and conscious cruelty of the Trump misadministration has had an incredible human cost.  

“If the U.S. had followed Canadian policies and protocols, there might have only been 85,192 U.S. deaths—making more than 132,500 American deaths ‘avoidable.’ If the U.S. response had mirrored that of Germany, the U.S. may have only had 38,457 deaths—leaving 179,260 avoidable deaths,” the researchers wrote.

But, Trump isn't done with the murders.  If he is reelected Americans can count on hundreds of thousands more unnecessary deaths.

Public health officials across the country are warning that the upcoming winter may be an especially brutal period as coronavirus infections rise to a third peak and flu season arrives. Adding to that gloomy forecast, the Columbia researchers wrote that the federal government’s “continued mismanagement” of the pandemic shows few indications of improvement: “The abject failures of U.S. government policies and crisis messaging persist.”

It's not just a question of "messaging," Trump's decision to disobey public health guidelines in every local where he holds his fascist MAGA rallies appear to frequently generate Covid-19 clusters.  He doesn't care.

As President Donald Trump jetted across the country holding campaign rallies during the past two months, he didn’t just defy state orders and federal health guidelines. He left a trail of coronavirus outbreaks in his wake. 

The president has participated in nearly three dozen rallies since mid-August, all but two at airport hangars. A USA TODAY analysis shows COVID-19 cases grew at a faster rate than before after at least five of those rallies in the following counties: Blue Earth, Minnesota; Lackawanna, Pennsylvania; Marathon, Wisconsin; Dauphin, Pennsylvania; and Beltrami, Minnesota.

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