Saturday, October 3, 2020

Peak Bullshit

Trump is president because a couple hundred years ago group of lawyers and slave holders designed a government system specifically to blunt, if not completely thwart, the concept of a government by majority rule.  And, that government has been taken over by a minority political party and a president who lost his election by three million votes. Trump and his Republicans enablers believe they are excused from public health warnings regarding masks and social distancing.  Trump has Covid-19 because he has substantial psychological issues and is essentially a stupid person. 

I'm tired of hearing media pundits and Democratic politicians offering Trump and the other casualties of the Amy Coney Barrett Super Spreader Event and other recent displays of obedience to the will of Trump offer sympathy to Trump and the willing victims of his ego.  I'm not the only one.

I have lived my entire life in a media narrative that Republicans are simply not supposed to face any consequences for their actions and what we have been witnessing for the last 48 hours is the result of a media completely unequipped to handle exactly that happening. I think that’s why there’s such a cognitive dissonance between how punditry is reacting to this versus, well, basically the rest of the planet. People are done. They are fucking done with this bullshit.

Our punditry is the only entity in this country that wants this to go on. That wants this to continue. That wants to pretend that somehow any of this is normal or acceptable. In the real world, people are done with this. Fucking. Done. We may have reached, for lack of a better term here, peak bullshit. 

I am one of 100 million Americans who has surrendered so much for the last six months to try to maintain the levees of the bullshit river, all while these guys were holding a fucking boat parade on it. They gave themselves a disease at the party they threw for the Supreme Court justice they’re going to ram through against the wishes of the American people.

Trump and many of his most loyal minions need to be in jail when this is over.  When that happens, I suggest we grant the media one hour to pour out their sympathy to the monsters and then we get on with our lives.

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