Sunday, October 4, 2020

"Trump Show" Writers Struggling


The writers are really struggling with this week's episodes of the Trump Show.  It has the same feel as the rushed final season of Game of Thrones or the "WTF do we do now" ending of Lost.  What are the writers setting us up for as the finale?

Do the writers think anyone will believe Trump is "working" in the Presidential Suite at Walter Reed?   First, we know that Trump seldom reads anything so what are all those documents spread on the table?  Wouldn't a more accurate photo of Trump at work be of him sitting on his ass watching Fox News and OANN on TV?  Second, I know he's in the Presidential Suite, but how much sanitizing and deep cleaning is going to be required for this room, his clothes and the documents he is handling?  Covid-19 can survive on paper for several hours, so do all these "important document" go through some sort of UV exposure or do they just go into a hazardous waste bag and then into the trash since they are just props in this little show?

The writers must be aware that Trump is entitled to privacy regarding his medical status and treatment.  They have sent up and interesting conflict for us.   If the doctors treating Trump are not allowed to honestly discuss Trump's status and treatment, should they stop having press briefings?  Should they subtly disclose that Trump or one of his allies is writing the script for the doctors and then turn each briefing into a full fledge MAGA rally?  Or does the plot need to show Trump  in such a fragile mental state that he can't handle hearing his honest medical status to create sympathy for him?

Are the writers considering having Trump going rogue and leaving Walter Reed on his own?  Hospitals are not prisons.  Patients have the right to leave at any time even if their doctor(s) disagree with that decision.  The patient is required to acknowledge by signature that they are leaving "against medical advice (AMA)."  Will there be an episode this week where Trump scrawls his illegible signature of an AMA form and hitches a ride back to the White House with Rudy Giuliani?

Stay tuned.

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