Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Trump Rubs His Covid-19 Care In Every Victims Face

Kristin Urquiza's father, Mark, was a lifelong Republican. He lived most of his life in Arizona where he died of Covid-19 in June. Kristen invited Arizona governor, Doug Ducey, to his interment.

“I write to invite you to the burial of my father, Mark Anthony Urquiza. He was one of the 88 Arizonans who died on June 30, 2020 from COVID-19. Despite having a huge family and many friends he died alone with an ICU nurse holding his hand,” the letter read.

“My father contracted the virus during the period when you forbade local governments from implementing their own safety measures, such as mandating the wearing of masks, to protect the public from the spread of COVID-19 through Executive Order 2020-36. As a master of public affairs, I can attest that poor policy and terrible leadership was responsible for his death.”

Ducey is a Trump marionet who is responsible for a large percentage of Covid-19 deaths in Arizona. Kristen is well aware of that Ducey was just one of Trump executioners.  Trump is the person ultimately responsible for Mark Urquiza's death.  She has a clear warning for Americans regarding Trump.

Trump is the most dangerous person in the world. I believe he is also the most callous. What kind of a monster witnesses a pandemic kill over 210,000 people in just over eight months and then, after he himself contracts it from his own brazen carelessness and is given the best medical treatment available, has the gall to claim the rest of us shouldn’t “be afraid” of the disease or “let it dominate our lives”? It’s nothing short of a proverbial pissing on the graves of every American ― including my own father, Mark Urquiza ― who didn’t have the luxury to “Walter Reed and chill” and are now missing from the lives of the people who loved them.

It didn't have to be this way.  Trump failed the nation and  through his incompetence and, then his politicization of basic health guidelines like mask wearing and social distancing.  He enabled and encouraged worthless dungbags like Ducey to ignore the pandemic's body count.

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