Thursday, April 30, 2020

Pence Sends Wife Out To Lie For Him

When Mike Pence (Vice-President of the United States, leader of the US Government's Coronavirus Task Force, good Christian?) visited the Mayo Clinic earlier this week, he graphically refused to follow the guidelines of his task force and the specific Mayo Clinic requirement to wear a face mask.  

Soon after the visit, photos of the maskless Pence surrounded by masked hospital staff and patients started showing up everywhere.  Pence's behavior was immediately called out by just about everyone.  It was an embarrassment even by the standards of someone who routine debases himself toadying to Trump.  Pence responded that he decided to not wear a mask and gave specific reasons why he chose to not abide by the rules.
“As vice president of the United States I’m tested for the coronavirus on a regular basis, and everyone who is around me is tested for the coronavirus,” Pence said, adding that he is following CDC guidelines, which indicate that the mask is good for preventing the spread of the virus by those who have it.
"And since I don’t have the coronavirus, I thought it’d be a good opportunity for me to be here, to be able to speak to these researchers, these incredible healthcare personnel, and look them in the eye and say ‘thank you.’”
To Pence, masks are for the masses who don't get weekly coronavirus testing at the office.  But, that argument didn't go over well, so today, our heroic vice-president sent his wife out to make a new excuse for him.  Her explanation is that the vice-president just plan didn't know that masks were required.     Humm...the  Mayo Clinic stated specifically that Pence's staff was informed of their mask policy, journalist travelling with Pence note that they were aware (and followed) the policy AND PENCE HIMSELF SAID HE DIDN'T WEAR A MASK BECAUSE HE FELT THAT HE DIDN'T NEED TO.  Yet, there was Mrs. Pence on Fox News lying that her husband wasn't aware he should be wearing a mask.  The Pence family - good Christians who are apparently unaware of:

"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" (Exodus 20:16).  aka The 9th Commandment. 

"A lying tongue hates its victims, and a flattering mouth works ruin."  Proverbs 26:28  

"Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices." (Colossians 3:9)

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